Monday, September 01, 2008

How low can the crazies commies on the left go? Mmmmm...pretty low

Especially when there is a hot conservative, pro-life, pro-gun, pro-drilling babe with five kids running for VP....and her name is NOT Hillary!

See how low lefty Alan Colmes, S/P failed facelift, can go:

Here’s That Screenshot Of The Original Post

August 31st, 2008, 4:46 PM EDT

thanks to Wizbangblog. I’m not running away from what I posted. I simply wanted to avoid the vile comments under that thread. The post wasn’t about Down Syndrome. It was about the issue of judgment. Those who read into this what I did not say have their own agendas. So, go ahead. Enjoy.

Then there's the Communist Party of America blog DailyKos--ha ha, a kos in Slovenian can be either a small piece of bread or a crow (no, not a Croatian!)-- with its usual fare of hate filled invective for the VP babe in waiting. They just hit new lows when one thinks they've gone as low as they can. Just another reason they always lose in the marketplace of ideas, and find themselves in the scrap heap of failed ideas.

From our friends at NewsBusters:

As I reported earlier, the scurrilous claim that McCain vice presidential pick Governor Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy with a Down's Syndrome child is beginning to spread among the lowest of the nutrooters. Now, the unhinged, smear site has boosted this lie to their front pages. Naturally, since these hate sites feed into each other, the spurious source of the DU story is another DailyKos story like the one I earlier reported upon.

Of course, this whole meme is nothing but a lie. Are we expected to believe an entire state, its hospitals, doctors and media establishment helped cover up this pregnancy story? And they all did this for a Republican, to boot? It makes little logical sense to believe a word of this black helicopter conspiracy theory. Next thing we know, the Kossacks and DUers are going to expect us to believe that Big Foot and some gray aliens were the attendants at the birth!

Still not sure if we're exaggerating, meet Miss Vasilla 1984 and the runner up for Miss Alaska, the next VP of the USA, and the first woman in that office, conservative and constitution-loving eye candy, Sarah "the Barracuda" Palin, who is not to be messed with: