Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Catholic hospitals line up for abortion money

Once again, the innocence of our trust is smitten by those who do evil or at the least cooperate with and are silent, so evil may exist and advance.

Newsmax exposed at the link above just how pedestrian and secular our once-Catholic hospital systems have become, dominated by ultra liberal lay boards, using clerics as mere window dressing for the ignorant masses.

Read, as I did, and weep.....the fox is in the hen house, the wolves ravenously are attacking the flock while the USCCB and CHA stand by and help advance the cause of the enemy within the gates....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jarrett Connection: Proof That Obama’s Hawaii and Chicago Communist Networks Were Linked?

Turn on the lights, and--like a run down dope house full of cockroaches--the commie-infested history and philosophical dominance in the life of Barrie Hussein Obama becomes more and more convincingly clear to all open-minded, intellectually honest people, as they scurry to continue hiding their true thoughts and motivations from the sheeple aided and abetted in their treason against the USA by the state-controlled drive by media:

The Jarrett Connection: Proof That Obama’s Hawaii and Chicago Communist Networks Were Linked?

Accolades to Trevor Loudon at New Zeal. He has done extensive research and has obtained unrefutable evidence. A must read for ALL AMERICANS! It is a long piece but the documentation is included.

The following piece is fully credited to Trevor Loudon.

Obama File 78 Hard Evidence! Proof That Obama’s Hawaii and Chicago Communist Networks Were Linked?

Obama File 77 here
Frank Marshall Davis

Frank Marshall Davis

It is now well established that Barack Obama was linked to the Hawaiian Communist Party network through his boyhood/teenage mentor Frank Marshall Davis.

It is also well known that after moving to Chicago, Obama linked up with the local communist networks.

Manning Marable, a leader of the Communist Party offshoot Committees of Correspondence for Democracy&Socialism claims that Obama understands what socialism is. A lot of the people working with him are, indeed, socialists with backgrounds in the Communist Party or as independent Marxists. There are a lot of people like that in Chicago who have worked with him for years…”

This leads to two key questions....[cont'd at link above]


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dems Internecine Fights slows down Abortions 'R Us

House healthcare talks break down in anger ...

Blue Dogs: 'We are... trying to save this party'...


Truth be told, the Dems are doing so much internecine fights during the last few weeks, it's almost fun to watch anymore. If the GOP was smart, and it has shown not to be, they would:

a) step aside and let the Dems finish each other off;
b) align themselves as much as practical with the Blue Dog Dems who are fighting the massive movement of Barrie Hussein to nationalize and socialize 1/6th of the US economy, bringing the best health care system in the world down to the level of say, er, a banana republic size like the peoples' paradise down under in Kuba.

Face-freeze Nancy Pelosi may be off her psych meds and having delusions of "I have the votes" to pass this heavy tax increase bloated "reform" of health care, but sane people know what is really the jiggy with it: if brought to a floor vote, as Henry "da Rat" Nostrilitis threatened on Friday Jul 24, the bill would've been voted down. And da Rat knew it, hence he didn't act on his paltry threat.

Sadly the pro-life Pence Amendment was voted
down also on Friday. It would've de-funded the largest domestic terrorist group of baby killers, Planned Barrenhood. They bragged of killing 290,000 kids in 2008 and raking in over $310 mill of our hard earned tax dollars. That doesn't include the 1.5 mill kids they assisted in killing via the abortifacient Plan B Emergency Abortion pill.

So, if you want to get peeved at our incompetant graft-driven politicians, how's that for something to grab ya? Your tax money, even if you are a die-hard pro-lifer, helped PP kill at least 1.79 Million preborn babies last year.

Yeah, there's a ton of work yet to be done to shut down the most abortoholic administration in US history. Stop The Abortion Mandate is certainly one good step towards that. They even had 36,000 people show up during a weeknight live webscast last Thurs Jul 23 on 4 or 5 days' notice. Pretty exciting and electrifying.

You can bet on it. As sure as the Squeelers are going down this fall...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

GA Embryo Bill does very little to protect any embryos

The current bill in the GA legislature is being assailed by pro-death groups like the American Fertility Associations, whose millions and millions of largesse depend on government and large foundational spending, such as that signed into effect by abortoholic prez Barrie Hussein Obama last Monday.

Truth be told, the GA bill, SB169: The Ethical Treatment of Human Embryos Act,is a well meaning and well intentioned bill from a state that has been one of the few to pass specific pharmacist conscience clause laws and regulations.

However, a reading of the bill, and the attendant release from Georgia RTL, clearly shows that really little substance is in the bill to protect embryos and embryo cell lines already existing.

A very reliable research and philosphy expert, who has done tremendous work dissecting the true meaning of language in embryo, IVF, genetics and other such bills, explained to me yesterday:

  • "Fertilization", "natural death", "cloning = SCNT (misdefined)" (GRTL web site) -- Sounds like the same old "Weldon/Brownback" crowd [this alludes to the more smoke and mirrors bills pushed by Sens. Weldon and Brownback which usually intentionally mis-defined human beings and personhood]. Guess they have a lot at stake by this time, and won't budge. I've also noticed something in several of these "incremental" bills. They throw in their usual mis-definitions, but they also designate just "IVF" clinics, and leave out all the other "ART" [artificial reprotuctive technology] clinics. And by using the exclusionary term "clinic", they also totally ignore IVF and ART research laboratories so that [the latter] are not affected by the legislation. End result, nothing.
Terms such a "fertilization" leave out all embryos [babies] created by various asexual manipulations besides SCNT. "Pregnancy" and terms like it redefined by the abortion-eugenics industry leave out all embryos created in whatever form BEFORE implantation, for that is how they unscientifically define pregnancy.
And so the list goes on of poor definitions and terminology that is defined by the enemies of life.

That summarizes --however briefly--major pitfalls in the bill that amount to very few protections in reality, although they make for good press releases as being "pro life".

Sunday, February 22, 2009

And what's with all the broohaha over the chimp cartoon in the NY Post this week? Frankly, I think the chimp is insulted to be compared to that marxist prez. The real racists are the JustUs brothers, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.....

Guess what is # 1 before you get there

11 Most Expensive Catastrophes in History

# 11. Titanic - $150 Million

The sinking of the Titanic is possibly the most famous accident in the world. But it barely makes our list of top 11 most expensive. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank on its maiden voyage and was considered to be the most luxurious ocean liner ever built. Over 1,500 people lost their lives when the ship ran into an iceberg and sunk in frigid waters. The ship cost $7 million to build ($150 million in today ' s dollars).

# 10. Tanker Truck vs Bridge - $358 Million

On August 26, 2004, a car collided with a tanker truck containing 32,000 liters of fuel on the Wiehltal Bridge in Germany . The tanker crashed through the guardrail and fell 90 feet off the A4 Autobahn resulting in a huge explosion and fire which destroyed the load-bearing ability of the bridge. Temporary repairs cost $40 million and the cost to replace the bridge is estimated at $318 Million.

# 9. MetroLink Crash - $500 Million

On September 12, 2008, in what was one of the worst train crashes in California history, 25 people were killed when a Metrolink commuter train crashed head-on into a Union Pacific freight train in Los Angeles . It is thought that the Metrolink train may have run through a red signal while the conductor was busy text messaging.. Wrongful death lawsuits are expected to cause $500 million in losses for Metrolink.

# 8. B-2 Bomber Crash - $1.4 Billion

Here we have our first billion dollar accident (and we ' re only #7 on the list). This B-2 stealth bomber crashed shortly after taking off from an air base in Guam on February 23, 2008. Investigators blamed distorted data in the flight control computers caused by moisture in the system. This resulted in the aircraft making a sudden nose-up move which made the B-2 stall and crash. This was 1 of only 21 ever built and was the most expensive aviation accident in history. Both pilots were able to eject to safety.

# 7. Exxon Valdez - $2.5 Billion

The Exxon Valdez oil spill was not a large one in relation to the world ' s biggest oil spills, but it was a costly one due to the remote location of Prince William Sound (accessible only by helicopter and boat). On March 24, 1989, 10.8 million gallons of oil was spilled when the ship ' s master, Joseph Hazelwood, left the controls and the ship crashed into a Reef. The cleanup cost Exxon $2.5 billion.

# 6. Piper Alpha Oil Rig - $3.4 Billion

The world ' s worst off-shore oil disaster. At one time, it was the world ' s single largest oil producer, spewing out 317,000 barrels of oil per day. On July 6, 1988, as part of routine maintenance, technicians removed and checked safety valves which were essential in preventing dangerous build-up of liquid gas. There were 100 identical safety valves which were checked. Unfortunately, the technicians made a mistake and forgot to replace one of them. At 10 PM that same night, a technician pressed a start button for the liquid gas pumps and the world ' s most expensive oil rig accident was set in motion.

Within 2 hours, the 300 foot platform was engulfed in flames. It eventually collapsed, killing 167 workers and resulting in $3.4 Billion in damages.

# 5. Challenger Explosion - $5.5 Billion

The Space Shuttle Challenger was destroyed 73 seconds after takeoff due on January 28, 1986 due to a faulty O-ring. It failed to seal one of the joints, allowing pressurized gas to reach the outside. This in turn caused the external tank to dump its payload of liquid hydrogen causing a massive explosion. The cost of replacing the Space Shuttle was $2 billion in 1986 ($4.5 billion in today ' s dollars). The cost of investigation, problem correction, and replacement of lost equipment cost $450 million from 1986-1987 ($1 Billion in today ' s dollars).

# 4. Prestige Oil Spill - $12 Billion

On November 13, 2002, the Prestige oil tanker was carrying 77,000 tons of heavy fuel oil when one of its twelve tanks burst during a storm off Galicia , Spain . Fearing that the ship would sink, the captain called for help from Spanish rescue workers, expecting them to take the ship into harbour. However, pressure from local authorities forced the captain to steer the ship away from the coast. The captain tried to get help from the French and Portuguese authorities, but they too ordered the ship away from their shores. The storm eventually took its toll on the ship resulting in the tanker splitting in half and releasing 20 million gallons oil into the sea.

According to a report by the Pontevedra Economist Board, the total cleanup cost $12 billion.

# 3. Space Shuttle Columbia - $13 Billion

The Space Shuttle Columbia was the first space worthy shuttle in NASA ' s orbital fleet. It was destroyed during re-entry over Texas on February 1, 2003 after a hole was punctured in one of the wings during launch 16 days earlier. The original cost of the shuttle was $2 Billion in 1978. That comes out to $6.3 Billion in today ' s dollars. $500 million was spent on the investigation, making it the costliest aircraft accident investigation in history. The search and recovery of debris cost $300 million.

In the end, the total cost of the accident (not including replacement of the shuttle) came out to $13 Billion according to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics..

# 2. Chernobyl - $200 Billion

On April 26, 1986, the world witnessed the costliest accident in history. The Chernobyl disaster has been called the biggest socio-economic catastrophe in peacetime history. 50% of the area of Ukraine is in some way contaminated. Over 200,000 people had to be evacuated and resettled while 1.7 million people were directly affected by the disaster. The death toll attributed to Chernobyl , including people who died from cancer years later, is estimated at 125,000. The total costs including cleanup, resettlement, and compensation to victims has been estimated to be roughly $200 Billion. The cost of a new steel shelter for the Chernobyl nuclear plant will cost $2 billion alone. The accident was officially attributed to power plant operators who violated plant procedures and were ignorant of the safety requirements needed.

# 1. 2008 Presidential Election- $800 Billion in the first two months………..