Turn on the lights, and--like a run down dope house full of cockroaches--the commie-infested history and philosophical dominance in the life of Barrie Hussein Obama becomes more and more convincingly clear to all open-minded, intellectually honest people, as they scurry to continue hiding their true thoughts and motivations from the sheeple aided and abetted in their treason against the USA by the state-controlled drive by media:
Accolades to Trevor Loudon at New Zeal. He has done extensive research and has obtained unrefutable evidence. A must read for ALL AMERICANS! It is a long piece but the documentation is included.
The following piece is fully credited to Trevor Loudon.
Obama File 78 Hard Evidence! Proof That Obama’s Hawaii and Chicago Communist Networks Were Linked?
Frank Marshall Davis
It is now well established that Barack Obama was linked to the Hawaiian Communist Party network through his boyhood/teenage mentor Frank Marshall Davis. It is also well known that after moving to Chicago, Obama linked up with the local communist networks.
Manning Marable, a leader of the Communist Party offshoot Committees of Correspondence for Democracy&Socialism claims that Obama “understands what socialism is. A lot of the people working with him are, indeed, socialists with backgrounds in the Communist Party or as independent Marxists. There are a lot of people like that in Chicago who have worked with him for years…” This leads to two key questions....[cont'd at link above]