Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meet Anita Moncrief: ACORN Whistleblower

Monica has released a donor list shared by the Regime of Barrie Hussein's administration and ACORN. Moncrief is filing FEC charges against the Regime regarding evidence of illegal collusion with ACORN during Barrie's 2008 campaign.

More Anita Moncrief:



Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Catholi-phobes Beware!

Editor's Note: Pat Buchanan, a great presidential candidate if there ever was one who would not be elected in nativist, anti-Catholic America, says it with flair and aplomb as no one can in defending the Faith, without rose-colored glasses.

All you petty gossipers and intolerant bigoted anti-Catholi-phobes, watch out!

April 5th, 2010
Anti-Catholicism and the Times

By Patrick J. Buchanan

“Anti-Catholicism,” said writer Peter Viereck, “is the anti-Semitism of the intellectual.” It is “the deepest-held bias in the history of the American people,” said Arthur Schlesinger Sr.

If there was any doubt that hatred of and hostility toward the Catholic Church persists, it was removed by the mob that has arisen howling “Resign!” at Pope Benedict XVI.

To American Catholics, the story of pedophile priests engaged in criminal abuse of children, of pervert priests seducing boys, is unfortunately all too familiar. That some bishops covered up for pedophiles and seducers and enabled corrupt clergy to continue to prey on boys was equally disgraceful.

But to American Catholics, this is an old story. The priests have been defrocked, some sent to prison, like John Geoghan, who was strangled in his cell. Bishops have been removed. “Zero tolerance” has been policy for a decade.

Pope Benedict came to America to apologize for what these men did. And no one has been more aggressive in rooting out what he calls the “filth” in the church. And as the recent scandals have hit Ireland and Germany, why the attack on the pope here in America?

Answer: The New York Times is conducting a vendetta against this traditionalist pope in news stories, editorials and columns.

“Vatican Declined to Defrock U.S. Priest Who Abused Boys,” blared the headline over a Laurie Goodstein story that began thus:

“Top Vatican officials — including the future Pope Benedict XVI — did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys …

“In 1996, Cardinal Ratzinger failed to respond to two letters about the case from Rembert G. Weakland, Milwaukee’s archbishop at that time.”

The facts:

That diabolical priest, Lawrence C. Murphy, was assigned to St. John’s School for the Deaf in 1950, before Joseph Ratzinger was even ordained.

Reports of his abuse of the deaf children surfaced in the 1950s. But, under three archbishops, nothing was done. Police and prosecutors were alerted by parents of the boys. Nothing was done.

Weakland, who became archbishop in 1977, did not write to Rome until 1996.

And as John Allen of National Catholic Reporter noted last week, Cardinal Ratzinger “did not have any direct responsibility for managing the overall Vatican response to the crisis until 2001. … Prior to 2001, Ratzinger had nothing personally to do with the vast majority of sex abuse cases, even the small percentage which wound up in Rome.”

By the time Cardinal Ratzinger was commissioned by John Paul II to clean out the stable, Murphy had been dead for three years.

Yet here is [NY] Times columnist Maureen Dowd’s summation of the case:

“Now we learn the sickening news that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, nicknamed ‘God’s Rottweiler,’ when he was the church’s enforcer on matters of faith and sin, ignored repeated warnings and looked away in the case of the Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy, a Wisconsin priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys.”

In Goodstein’s piece, Weakland is a prelate who acted too slowly. The controversy over his clouded departure from the Milwaukee archdiocese is mentioned and passed over at the bottom of the story. It belonged higher.

For Weakland was a homosexual who confessed in a 1980 letter he was in “deep love” with a male paramour who shook down the archbishop for $450,000 in church funds as hush money to keep his lover’s mouth shut about their squalid affair.

According to Rod Dreher, Weakland moved Father William Effinger, who would die in prison, from parish to parish, knowing Effinger was a serial pederast.

When one of Effinger’s victims sued the archdiocese but lost because of a statute of limitations, Weakland counter-sued and extracted $4,000 from the victim of his predator priest.

Dreher describes Weakland’s tenure thus:

“He directed Catholic schools … to teach kids how to use condoms as part of AIDS education and approved a graphic sex-education program for parochial-school kids that taught ‘there is no right and wrong’ on the issues of abortion, contraception and premarital sex. He has advocated for gay rights and women’s ordination, bitterly attacked Pope John Paul II, denounced pro-lifers as ‘fundamentalist’ and declared that one could be both pro-choice and a Catholic in good standing.”

Speaking of sex-abuse victims in 1988, Weakland was quoted: “Not all adolescent victims are so innocent. Some can be sexually very active and aggressive and often streetwise.”

Just the kind of priest the Times loves, and just the kind of source on whom the Times relies when savaging the pope and bashing the church.

As the Catholic League’s Bill Donahue relates, 80 percent of the victims of priestly abuse have been males and “most of the molesters gays.”

And as the Times’ Richard Berke blurted to the Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association 10 years ago, often, “three-quarters of the people deciding what’s on the front page are not-so-closeted homosexuals.”

Is there perhaps a conflict of interest at The New York Times, when covering a traditionalist Catholic pope?

Related posts:

1. Anti-Catholicism at the New York Timesby Patrick J. Buchanan – May 7, 2002 Just as Watergate brought all the Nixon-haters...
2. The Antiwar, Anti-Abortion, Anti-Drug-Enforcement- Administration, Anti-Medicare Candidacy of Dr. Ron PaulBy CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL The New York Times Whipping westward across Manhattan in a limousine sent...
3. The Real Anti-AmericansBy Patrick J. Buchanan As Democrats, after a Sunday rally on the Capitol grounds, marched...
4. Courting Anti-Americanismby Patrick J. Buchanan – March 12, 1998 This is risky business, and the “reforms”...
5. Anti-Americanism in L.A.by Patrick J. Buchanan – March 5, 1998 Why would about 91,000 of the 91,235...
6. The Anti-ReaganBy Patrick J. Buchanan Despite his boldness, Barack Obama seems as fated to fail as...
7. McCain Calls Out the Timesby Patrick J. Buchanan John McCain just shoved his whole stack into the middle of...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Liberals show hypocrisy in suppressing Coulter's free speech

Liberals proved--once again for the umpteenth time--that they constitute the largest subset of intolerant, bigoted, conservo-phobics, religion haters known to mankind.

By suppressing the freely invited and received invitation to talk by Ann Coulter--hot and right female that she is--liberals show and confirm once again they will tolerate anything EXCEPT criticism and outing of their secular pagan humanistic religion.

Hence, the Savage truism, "liberalism is a mental disease."

The face of liberal hate (black chick on the left) against the free speech of Ann Coulter defender who is a white male of European extract (dude on the right).

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

PMS-NBC's Dylan Ratigan goes Postal

PMS-NBC's Dylan Ratigan goes postal with a calm, sedate and rational Tea Party representative. Here's a good laugh for you, knowing he needs an anti-psychotic and maybe some quality time at Sunny Acres...

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Anti-Catholic Bigoted Sodomite Slams Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church AGAIN!

Harry Knox, who serves on President Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, is standing by a statement he made last March that Pope Benedict XVI is “hurting people in the name of Jesus.”

The last acceptable prejudice is the anti-Catholic one, in full bloom and obviously supported by the marxist regime of Barrie Hussein Obama.

Despite scientific evidence to the contrary, Knox chose to stick by his intolerant bigotry rather than apologize for his house filled with hate for things Catholic. Barrie needs to give him the boot immediately, lest he drive another nail into his own one-term presidency coffin.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Polish bishop says Jews using holocaust as propaganda tool

Polish bishop accuses Jews of using Holocaust as propaganda "A leading Polish Catholic bishop caused a stir on Monday when he was quoted as saying that Jews had "expropriated" the Holocaust as a "propaganda weapon". "It is undeniable that the greatest number of dead in concentration camps were Jews but there are also Polish gypsies, Italians and Catholics on the list," he was quoted as saying.

Truth is the good bishop is speaking in truth, for the dispicable slaughter of any and all people, especially civilian non-combatants is egregious in the eyes of God, and not just one religion or one nationality/race. Tens of millions of Catholics and others suffered from 1917 onward into the late 1980s, not just during WW II.

The communists help perfect the killing machines of the Nazis with their gulags, death camps and psychiatric incarcerations starting in 1917 with the founding commie Vladimir Illyich Ulyanov, also know as Lenin and his successor, who was even better as a mass murder, Djugashvili the Georgian ex-Orthodox seminarian who changed his name to Man of Steel aka "Stalin".

We know tens of millions of Catholics, Slavs, gypsies, Orthodox, and thousands of clergy were also murdered BEFORE, DURING and AFTER World War II. Some still are in despot communist paradises like China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. The Nazis are best known, as that drum has beat the loudest. But they learned their art and craft from their fellow socialist brothers in communist totalitarian regimes before them. Does that mean the lives of the Polish military officers were less valuable at Katyn Forest?

What of the minimum SEVEN million Ukrainians starved during the Great Famine (Holodomor) in Europe's best known bread basket during 1932-34? Are they of less value because they were overwhelmingly Catholics and Orthodox? Was this a "best practice" the communists would educate the Nazis with? This was chiefly led by Stalin's man on the ground, Kagonovich, himself of Jewish ancestry.

Or the 15,000 Slovenians at Kocevski Rog among other death holes? Phuny Pharm thinks not.

For some expose of MANY victims of death camps, communist, Nazi or otherwise see this link.