Saturday, November 04, 2006

In praise of Rick Santorum

The kind of pro-life leadership shown in the present Senate has been greatly enhanced with Rick Santorum (R-PA) on board, despite his equivocal support for pro-abortion freemason RINO Arlen Specter (R-PA) in his last re-election bid.

Santorum has been as strong as they get calling a spade a spade and defending the innocent, handicapped and infirm, chiefly the defenseless preborn destroyed by ALREADY approved abortifacients like Plan B (misnamed the 'morning after pill') and the starvation by drive-by media coverage of poor Teri Schaivo. His recent eloquent and plain truth that Plan B IS chemically and pharmaceutically a de facto abortifacient in a debate with abortoholic Bob Casey Jr, evinced courage and conviction.

If anyone needs to be re-elected it is Santorum. Pray for his victory as well as the longer shot of former Squeeler (ughhh!) receiver but great pro-life/pro-family man, Lynn Swan.

We Need His Kind - In praise of Rick Santorum


Friday, November 3, 2006

It has been hard not to experience the election as a brute-force clash between two armies struggling over terrain their soldiers have come to see, inevitably-- they are at war, they are exhausted--as the location of the battle, but not its purpose. The nation is where the contest takes place; you can forget, in the fight, that its actual future is what's being fought for.

But here's an exception: the state of Pennsylvania, which has been this year a bright patch of meaning. Its U.S. Senate contest has been the great race of the cycle, the one about which conservatives in their hearts most care. And not only conservatives, but those who know, for whatever reason and in whatever way, that there is something truly at stake here, something beyond mere red team and blue.

That would be Sen. Rick Santorum. The sense among so many people--including politicians and journalists-- is that the Senate needs his sort, his kind.

The other day I called a former senator, a crusty old moderate Republican, and asked him if he liked Mr. Santorum. "No," he said, "I love him." When Mr. Santorum was new to the Senate, in 1995, he, the elder, seasoned legislator tried to mentor him. He wanted to help him survive. Mr. Santorum was grateful and appreciative, "but he kept speaking his mind!"

The former senator: "The political scientists all say to be honest and stand for principle, that's what people want. And he was exactly that, and he's about to get his head handed to him." He chuckled then with what seemed the reflexive pleasure of one pol about to see another take a tumble. Then he stopped. It was sad, he said.

I end with a story too corny to be true, but it's true. A month ago Mr. Santorum and his wife were in the car driving to Washington for the debate with his opponent on "Meet the Press."

Their conversation turned to how brutal the campaign was, how hurt they'd both felt at all the attacks. Karen Santorum said it must be the same for Bob Casey and his family; they must be suffering. Rick Santorum said yes, it's hard for them too. Then he said, "Let's say a Rosary for them." So they prayed for the Caseys as they hurtled south.

A friend of mine called them while they were praying. She told me about it later, but didn't want it repeated. "No one would believe it," she said. But I asked Mr. Santorum about it. Sure, he said, surprised at my surprise. "We pray for the Caseys every night. We know it's as hard for them as it is for us."

Personally I'll shed no tear for the careerists of either party who win or lose, nor for the BlackBerryed gargoyles in the second row of the SUV who tell them how to think and where to stand. That means this election night will be, for me, a dry- eyed affair.

But if Rick Santorum goes down to the defeat all expect, I will feel it. Like the crusty old moderate Republican, I know a national loss when I see one.

Mrs. Noonan is a contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal and author of "John Paul the Great:
Remembering a Spiritual Father" (Penguin, 2005), which you can order from the OpinionJournal bookstore. Her column appears Fridays on

Fox News Airs Important Film on Islamic Fascism This Weekend!

Fox News Airs Important Film on Islamic Fascism This Weekend!

Fox News is airing “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against The West,” this weekend beginning Saturday 4 Nov and re-airing several times on Sunday, 5 Nov.

This film features experts on Islamic fascism, interviews with anti-Islamic terrorist Muslims, plus direct quotes from the Islamists themselves on what they plan for America and the Western World!

“Please watch and record this documentary this weekend,” said TVC Chairman Rev. Louis P. Sheldon. “This is a wake-up call to all Americans about the dangers facing us from radical Islamists. This documentary also clearly shows why protecting our national security should be a high priority as Americans vote on November 7th.

Which party will better defend this nation from these fanatics? I think the answer is clear.”

“Obsession” airs at 8 p.m. on Saturday evening and on Sunday at 1:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m. and at 10:00 p.m. Set your recorder to capture this important documentary and share it with your friends before you vote on November 7th.

“Our civilization is being challenged by a ruthless, deceitful enemy who understands only brute force against him. He cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with. He must be defeated,” said Rev. Sheldon. “Frankly, I doubt that the Howard Dean or John Kerry wing of the Democratic leadership has the stomach for a battle to save our civilization.”

Traditional Values Coalition is an inter-denominational public policy organization speaking on behalf of over 43,000 churches.

For more information or to arrange an interview, please call (202) 547-8570.

Web site address:

Friday, November 03, 2006

Bishop: All Priests Must Play Recorded Homily on Life and Family or Suffer "Serious Consequences"

This is a great item which is rare in AmChurch: a bishop exerting true Catholic leadership in a manly way.
No effeminate prose and flowery language, just the straight up, no nonsense direction needed to let the heterodox and heretical know who is in charge and why. Now all we need is a straight up admission that the deficiencies of the so-called "pastoral" Vatican II brought this on along with the illegal derogation of the True Mass of All Times, also called the Tridentine Mass or even more commonly the "Latin Mass" as defined by the Council of Trent and guaranteed in perpetuity by Pope St Pius V in 1570.

Let's hear Dr Joseph's comments and then on to the show!

Regarding the following:

I don't get it, I just don't get it. Bishop Morlino has the right idea, if the priests in his diocese are not espousing the right message from the pulpits, then ordering all the priests in his diocese to play a recorded message of his own at weekend Masses on November 4-5 in the place of the homily, is great.

But why is the killing of unborn children left out and the death penalty included in his recording. The amount of people killed in the USA yearly by the death penalty averages out to about 54 and they have had a trial.

When you compare this to about 1.3 million children who are killed yearly in their mother's womb without having a trial, it is mind boggling that the bishop would not include these children.

I heard the tape just to make sure and abortions were left out. The three major points were marriages just for a man and a woman, the Death Penalty and Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

He did mention that Embryonic Stem Cells have cured no one and their future is not promising (paraphrasing) but on the other hand Adult Stem Cells are already helping people. This was good, but why in the heck did he not mention the abomination of the killing of unborn children.

I like the idea of recorded material to be played from the pulpit, especially around election time because many priests cannot be trusted, but again, the most serious of all tragedies is the killing of unborn children and NOTHING was said by the bishop to save their lives.


I thought of writing to the bishop, but it may be too late. Although, here is the contact info, just maybe, it's not.

Phone: (608) 821-3000
Fax: (608) 821-3139
Web site:

Frank Joseph MD

Bishop: All Priests Must Play Recorded Homily on Life and Family or Suffer "Serious Consequences"

By John-Henry Westen

MADISON, WI, November 2, 2006

( - Bishop Robert C. Morlino is a man of courage. The 59-year-old who has been a bishop for seven years, serving the last three in the diocese of Madison, has taken steps to ensure that his teaching on voting in favor of life and family get transmitted to the faithful.

After hearing reports of "isolated cases" of priests refusing to convey, or even publicly contradicting, the bishops' messages on these important topics, he went to the extraordinary step of ordering all of the priests in his diocese to play a recorded message of his own at weekend Masses on November 4-5 in the place of the homily.

In an October 25 letter marked "personal and confidential", Bishop Morlino apologized for having to resort to such a method of operations.

He explained, "I apologize in advance for this second paragraph that I must write, and I would very much prefer otherwise. My office has received reports that in isolated cases, priests have refused to cooperate with my requests in terms of preaching in defense of marriage and have even expressed disagreement with my clear wishes in this matter."

To demonstrate the gravity of the matter, Bishop Morlino warned of "serious consequences" for priests who would contradict the vital teachings of the church in these matters. "I must make it very clear that any verbal or non-verbal expression of disagreement with this teaching on the part of the priest will have to be considered by myself as an act of disobedience, which could have serious consequences," he said.

The Bishop assured the priests that his message was "non-partisan" and laid out clearly that all priests in the diocese are expected to give "a simple introductory statement that the bishop has required this message to be played during the homily time at all Masses of obligation on November the 4th or the 5th." The bishop added, "If you can express some support for the message that I offer that would be appreciated but not expected."

The 14-minute recorded message from the bishop addresses three issues two of which are coming up for a vote in Wisconsin on November 7 - the marriage amendment, the death penalty and embryonic stem cell research. On both homosexual 'marriage' question and embryo research the bishop exposes the "baloney" being used to garner support for the practices which are contrary not only to Church teaching but also to reason.

On the death penalty the bishop explains that it is not necessary in the US for protection of citizens, and thus serves only to increase the climate of violence.

The move, according to the newspaper which received copies of the letter presumably from at least one disgruntled priest, has some of the priests in the diocese "furious at what they see as a threat."

Rather than cower from the public exposure of his letter to his priests which was intended to be "personal and confidential", Bishop Morlino used its publication as a teachable moment. The Bishop published the full letter to priests on his website, "so that the full truth regarding the content of the letter can be known."

The letter indicates that the Bishop is very thankful for the holiness of many of his priests. "Make no mistake that I am far more impressed by that holiness, goodness, and inspiration (among the priests), than I am troubled by the difficulties that we may encounter with each other along the way." Accompanying the reprint of the letter on the Bishop's website is an audio link to his full homily.

At the conclusion of the exercise, the score stands at three-nothing for the Bishop. Not only will his message to the faithful get conveyed at all Sunday Masses this weekend, the general public has been alerted to the Bishops concerns from the front page (above the fold) in the Wisconsin State Journal, and a second article in the paper has Bishop Morlino defending his actions.

With all the controversy surrounding the upcoming broadcast of his remarks, the pews will likely be filled this weekend in Catholic Churches in Madison.
