House healthcare talks break down in anger ...
Blue Dogs: 'We are... trying to save this party'...
Truth be told, the Dems are doing so much internecine fights during the last few weeks, it's almost fun to watch anymore. If the GOP was smart, and it has shown not to be, they would:
a) step aside and let the Dems finish each other off;
b) align themselves as much as practical with the Blue Dog Dems who are fighting the massive movement of Barrie Hussein to nationalize and socialize 1/6th of the US economy, bringing the best health care system in the world down to the level of say, er, a banana republic size like the peoples' paradise down under in Kuba.
Face-freeze Nancy Pelosi may be off her psych meds and having delusions of "I have the votes" to pass this heavy tax increase bloated "reform" of health care, but sane people know what is really the jiggy with it: if brought to a floor vote, as Henry "da Rat" Nostrilitis threatened on Friday Jul 24, the bill would've been voted down. And da Rat knew it, hence he didn't act on his paltry threat.
Sadly the pro-life Pence Amendment was voted down also on Friday. It would've de-funded the largest domestic terrorist group of baby killers, Planned Barrenhood. They bragged of killing 290,000 kids in 2008 and raking in over $310 mill of our hard earned tax dollars. That doesn't include the 1.5 mill kids they assisted in killing via the abortifacient Plan B Emergency Abortion pill.
So, if you want to get peeved at our incompetant graft-driven politicians, how's that for something to grab ya? Your tax money, even if you are a die-hard pro-lifer, helped PP kill at least 1.79 Million preborn babies last year.
Yeah, there's a ton of work yet to be done to shut down the most abortoholic administration in US history. Stop The Abortion Mandate is certainly one good step towards that. They even had 36,000 people show up during a weeknight live webscast last Thurs Jul 23 on 4 or 5 days' notice. Pretty exciting and electrifying.

You can bet on it. As sure as the Squeelers are going down this fall...