Dude, this wacky left wing Serb just really has no idea how to wins friends and influence people! First, he becomes the Diktator of the Land of Lincoln in April 2005 by issuing his "I-hate-pharmacists-who-think-or-have-a-consience" diktat. Immediately he finds hisself and the state of IL, already taxing its citizens beyond redemption, defending FOUR lawsuits from various pharmacists who will not be tread upon by a despot with a moral umbilical tied to the bloodthirsty commie mass murderer back in stari kraj, Slobodan Milosevich.
Now, he wants to torque off all the reps in the Assembly by constantly calling it into session, as is his right in the IL constitution, most notably twice on Saturday July 7th. Seems his arch-nemesis for the month is a non-pharmacist, GOP house speaker Michael Madigan, who is running against crazy Slobo for governor this fall.
Should be a hoot!
Seems Guv Slobo wants $5 billion more spent in give-away candy including getting much wampum from gambling casinos he wants built. Madigan proposes a much lower spending spree of $1 Bill....oh, well, what's afew Billion more, right tovarish?

Guess the Guv says it all when he wears my fave T-shirt of hisself!
Maybe he should just stick to hating pharmacists who can think for themselves and who still have a Conscience. It would save him from having his crony on the board of pharmacy from Walgreen's sending his goons out in the night to fire pharmacists who won't swear allegiance to helping kill their preborn clientele.
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