Truth be told, the GA bill, SB169: The Ethical Treatment of Human Embryos Act,is a well meaning and well intentioned bill from a state that has been one of the few to pass specific pharmacist conscience clause laws and regulations.
However, a reading of the bill, and the attendant release from Georgia RTL, clearly shows that really little substance is in the bill to protect embryos and embryo cell lines already existing.

A very reliable research and philosphy expert, who has done tremendous work dissecting the true meaning of language in embryo, IVF, genetics and other such bills, explained to me yesterday:
"Fertilization", "natural death", "cloning = SCNT (misdefined)" (GRTL web site) -- Sounds like the same old "Weldon/Brownback" crowd [this alludes to the more smoke and mirrors bills pushed by Sens. Weldon and Brownback which usually intentionally mis-defined human beings and personhood]. Guess they have a lot at stake by this time, and won't budge. I've also noticed something in several of these "incremental" bills. They throw in their usual mis-definitions, but they also designate just "IVF" clinics, and leave out all the other "ART" [artificial reprotuctive technology] clinics. And by using the exclusionary term "clinic", they also totally ignore IVF and ART research laboratories so that [the latter] are not affected by the legislation. End result, nothing.
And so the list goes on of poor definitions and terminology that is defined by the enemies of life.
That summarizes --however briefly--major pitfalls in the bill that amount to very few protections in reality, although they make for good press releases as being "pro life".
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