Walgreens spokesman Michael Polzin had no qualms gloating over firing 4 pharmacists for refusing to kill their smallest patients in utero
Subject: Walgreens fires four pharmacists
Walgreens fires four pharmacists for refusal to kill humans early in
development---- PFLI has this news on their front page and has
disseminated it to the mailing list.
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I cannot exaggerate the importance of these cases. Walgreens company reps went from store to store in the middle of the night "picking off" pharmacists who refused to sign their outrageous "policy."
Kind of like "drive by" firing. Which is not unusal in IL where Hiz Honor "Slobodan" Blagojevich has a de facto policy of "religious cleansing" of the pharmacist ranks. In the old days, when the state and private business hooked up like this to implement social policy they had a word for it: fascism.
If Walgreens is not held accountable for this, no pharmacist in any state is safe. Remember, Illinois has the best conscience laws in the country. That the governor and the private sector feel free to ignore those laws is chilling to say the least. Oh, yeah, one of the top dogs from Walgreens also happens to sit on the State Board of Pharmacy. What a coinkidink!
I encourage Americans of who think having a good conscience is important to avoid shopping at Walgreens, and pray for the pharmacists who stand up for human life. Feel free to contact Mr Polzin at Walgreens to let him know politely and firmly how you view this situation:
Michael Polzin describes his job as:
"As manager of external communications, I'm responsible for all of the company's communications with the media. I also handle financial news releases, community group presentations, the Press Room section of Walgreens.com and other executive communications."
Yet this same man stated last summer, said that Walgreens pharmacists wouldn't be held responsible for the insanely high number of scripts they sometimes have to dispense. This was in a news story about the Chicago area pharmacists striking due to working conditions that compromised patient safety.
Michael Polzin
200 Wilmot Road
Deerfield, Ill. 60015
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