The three "wimen" who recently helped file a lawsuit against big, old bad Wal Mart because the folks in Bentonville, AR made a business decision not to stock the well-known and well-dcoumented abortifacient that goes by, inter alia, the trade name Plan B have admitted to their scheming and, implicitly, their mendacity. Oh, they like to try and fool the public that it is an "emergency" (not!) and that it is magically "contraception" (not!) but the science belies them and their abuse of the scientific nomenclature.
It's OK, absolution granted to the lost souls including Rebekah Gee, MD (who's pic is here)

and her cohorts in crime, nurse and midwife Julia Battel, with Katrina McCarty, who admitted yesterday to the AP that they had schemed on the matter, colluding with the usual suspects of abortoholics and generally haters of women staying in good health without baby killing surgeries and massive doses of steroids to mess up their hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Read on and be shocked how "modern woman" can use the same ol' same tricks of yesteryear, with thanks to our friends at LifeSite News:
Wal-Mart Lawsuit Staged - Women "Denied" Abortion Drug Admit Scheming
Wal-Mart Lawsuit Staged - Women "Denied' Abortion Drug Admit Scheming
By Gudrun Schultz
MASSACHUSETTS, United States, February 2, 2006 ( - Three women who are suing Wal-Mart after being denied the abortion-causing Plan B morning after pill have admitted to the Associated Press that the action was planned with abortion rights groups and lawyers.
Moreover has learned that at least two of the women involved are themselves activists pushing the abortifacient drugs.
Dr. Rebekah Gee and nurse and midwife Julia Battel, with Katrina McCarty, launched the suit in an attempt to force Wal-Mart to stock the drug on the grounds that it is a "commonly prescribed medicine," the definition given to drugs that pharmacists are required to stock. A new state law allows pharmacists to dispense Plan B without a prescription, but they aren't required to make it available.
Dr. Gee and Ms. Battel have been active promoters of emergency contraception (EC).
Dr. Gee worked with the Massachusetts Medical Society to push for Bill 1643, an "emergency contraception" access act that passed late last year, allowing women to get Plan B without seeing their doctor. Dr. Gee is featured on the Pharmacy Access Partnership website, an organization that works to make EC widely available.
Battel also worked to ensure the passage of Bill 1634, promoting the work of the Massachusetts Coalition for Choice, which backed the legislation, and encouraging colleagues to contact legislators in support of the bill.
In the April 2005 newsletter for the Massachusetts' Nurses Association, posted on their website, Battel makes misleading statements about emergency contraception, stating:
"EC does not cause an abortion…EC will not disrupt an already established pregnancy and will not harm the developing fetus if mistakenly taken during pregnancy."
In fact, Plan B does interrupt a pregnancy by preventing a baby in the very earliest stages from attaching to the wall of the womb. The drug causes abortion of the child when taken in the first few days of pregnancy. Battel includes the term "established" before pregnancy but does not inform her readers that by this she means that she only regards pregnancy as established when the unborn child implants in the mother's uterus.
Simple biology however, informs that the child is conceived when the sperm and ovum join and implantation of that already living unborn child can take several hours even more than a day. Thus Plan B will kill live embryonic children if they have not yet implanted in their mothers' wombs.
To express support for Wal-Mart on line, go to:
Wal Mart Contact
Call toll free: 1-800-925-6278
Mailing address:
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Attn: Customer Service
702 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, AR 72716
Let's see how fairly and unbiased the willing accomplices in the so-called "mainstream media" handle this.
Will they give it the "Alito" or "Bork" treatment??
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